Tuesday, April 14, 2020

African dance essays

African dance essays It all started with a prayer. A man dressed in white singing in a foreign language. Different languages, different people, different colors and different races. It was all part of the show that was named African Dance! What is African Dance? It is not mere dancing and music, and vendors and food. No, no! It is the story of different countries related to the African culture and the story of Africa itself. From India to Peru the African culture have somehow touch, change and/or develop lots of other cultures. There, in the African Dance Show they show the audience just a tiny bit of it. The first thing reflected in the show was the elders and why and how were they respected in those times. To a counsel of elders, the exited but patient team asked permission to continue with the show. The whole team, musicians, dancers, backstage staff... everyone whom has been part of the show (Even the elders from the audience) were awaiting for allowance to continue. And with the approval of such a wise counsel the show goes on. It all started with an Indian group known as Sidi Goma. With turkey feathers in their hats and skirts, barefooted and painted faces the agile dancers begun their part of the show. The representation of the dance was more like a wedding and/or other social events in the Indian culture. Or so it looked like. For most people it seems to be quite not impressive for the dance was not that intense compare to other African Dances. However, Malik, an African Dance Instructor from the Columbia College of Chicago explained later on, during one of his class that maybe the lack of knowledge for that specific Indians Culture, was the reason why it wasnt better appreciated. And the fact that they are the ones on stage putting on a show, weather they wouldve been telling a story or simply dancing for the fun of it, also changes the perspective of, and the whole experience with the Indian culture...

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