Saturday, December 28, 2019

Scrooge Character Analysis - 1434 Words

Scrooge Scrooge is a very angry, rude, unfriendly character. Scrooge’s cruel actions to most others are unkind, especially when it’s about Christmas. The bitterness drive in Scrooge against Christmas is very strong. Scrooge also hates things such as love, happiness, generosity, and regards them as irrational until such time that a rightful trio of ghosts came to set him right. Charles Dickens paints him as an old businessman, with a ring of frosty white hair on his head, a pointed nose, red eyes, thin eyebrows, and a wiry chin. He’s so cold inside, it makes his lips blue, the tip of his nose strawberry red. The book describes him as hard and sharp as flint, self-contained, and solitary like an oyster. He is also described as†¦show more content†¦If he still thinks about his business anymore. In this stave, the Ghost of Christmas Present appears to Scrooge, and shows him people having a happy Christmas, maybe trying to get Scrooge to like Christmas more. Scrooge hears Tiny Tim’s dad, Scrooge’s clerk, say a toast to Scrooge, and Scrooge sees how very poor his clerk is. When he sees his clerk, he sees a family who is very poor, yet they love each other very, very much, and are a happy family, despite the poverty in their home. Scrooge then asks the Ghost if Tiny Tim will live. The Ghost’s answer is no, he will not live, unless something changes. Otherwise, Tiny Tim will end up dead like Marley. As the Ghost of Christmas Present moves on, he takes Scrooge to a boat way out at sea, and shows him him how happy the sailors are. Before the boat appears, though, the Ghost shows Scrooge a lighthouse, where two men are very happy, just like the sailors on the boat out at sea. When Scrooge sees this, he thinks, â€Å"Wow. These people are happy, even without their families out there with them.† As time wears on, Mr. Ghost moves Scrooge on to his nephew Fred’s house. In the house, Fred is having a laugh with some of his buddies about how Scrooge doesnt believe in Christmas. Furthermore, Fred says he will ask Scrooge to come over for Christmas every year until he dies. After Fred’s announces this, they start to play some party games such as Blind-Mans Bluff, as well asShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Scrooge1419 Words   |  6 Pages Scrooge is excessively angry, rude, unfriendly character. Scrooge’s cruel actions to most others are unkind, especially when it’s about Christmas. The bitterness drive in Scrooge against Christmas is very strong. Scrooge also hates things such as love, happiness, generosity, and regards them as irrational until such time that a rightful trio of ghosts came to set him right. Charles Dickens paints him as an old businessman, with a ring of frosty white hair on his head, a pointed nose, red eyes,Read MoreScrooge Character Analysis1468 Words   |  6 PagesBased on what I have read in the text, Scrooge is an excessively angry, rude, unfriendly character. Scrooge’s cruel actions to most others are unkind, especially when it’s about Christmas. The bitterness drive in Scrooge against Christmas is very strong. Scrooge also hates things such as love, happiness, generosity, and regards them as irrational until such time that a rightful trio of ghosts came to set him right. Charles Dickens paints him as an old businessman, with a ring of frosty white hairRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol1524 Words   |  7 PagesMr. Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol is a stubborn character that insists on his lone, grumpy life. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay - 853 Words

Throughout photographic history, the threshold that many artists had to overcome was conveying the meaning of their photographs to the public if any at all, and the orientation of the subjects in their photography. The intent of portrait photography is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject. Nineteenth century photo historian Alan Trachtenberg notes, â€Å"Aspiring professionals wrestled with the problem: how to arrange their sitters and manipulate the often fickle medium to produce not just a picture but a pleasing one--not just a likeness but a portrait†(Trachtenberg, 24). Through these words of Trachtenberg, we can deduce that the main problem was how photographers manipulate their subjects in a way that would†¦show more content†¦The strained and forlorned look on the woman’s face, especially after becoming homeless and on the road for a long time with her three children and limited supplies. â€Å"If our work is to carry fo rce and meaning to our view we must be willing to go all out†(Lange, 264) was what Lange had said soon after Migrant Mother was taken. Since she was part of a field operation documenting the reality of the situation of the time, her goal was to make the images she took available to the public eye and hopefully get a positive response to them. Because of her decision to take the photos of the woman with her children, she managed to capture the attention of the millions of Americans and had them witness the full impact of the collapse of the economy and its effect on the people living in constant turmoil and strife because of it from the viewpoint of a set of images taken by a simple camera. The demand of these set of images was to invoke a voice from the people in order for them to urge the current government at that time to take action and fast before significant damage could be inflicted onto the soil of the already wounded country. One more example of this is shown in anothe r one of Arbus’ images entitled Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in which it depicts a child holding what seems to be a mock grenade in the middle of Central Park. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Market Price and Market

Question: If a business drops, its price will always increase demand and it will make more profit. Discuss this Statement. Answer: Minsky, H.P., 2015.Can" it" happen again?: Essays on instability and finance. Routledge. The various forces which help in determining the profitability are consumer preferences, market information and technology. The companies which are incurring huge profits has to break the rules and adapt the new pricing strategies. There are some companies which have the capability of implementation of various kinds of strategies in terms of business failure. It is important for the customers to understand the value of the products. When the revenue of an economy falls, it is important to understand that and take the appropriate actions accordingly. In an economy which is showing a very slow growth, it is reasonable to lower the price of the product so as to increase the profitability of the company. If the demand of a particular product is perfectly inelastic, buyers will purchase the same quantity of the goods at a much higher price. Whereas if the demand for the product is elastic, the customers will not be attracted if the retailers raise the price of the product. The prices of t he product are always sensitive and even if the firms falls to a much lower level. There will be decline in the average price of the product. It is likely that the demand for the product will increase when there will be price war. The advantages of falling prices over all other competitors are always temporary and short lived. The customers will set a particular expectation of the price and he/she will prefer the product keeping aside the price war. In case of business failure, the customers will be more attracted to a product which is available at a much higher price. The customers will prefer to buy the product because he/she will understand the benefits of the product keeping aside the price. This will help the business firm to increase its profit because the business firm will sell the product at a much higher cost than the normal situation. The business firm can sell the product at a much higher cost till the time the customer will perceive the benefits of the product. On most cases, it is seen that the company will fight on the price war as a part of the deliberate strategy. The companies will try to invest in new technologies and methods so that it can reduce the cost of production and sell the products at a profitable price. Kim, W. C., Mauborgne, R. A. (2014). Blue ocean strategy, expanded edition: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Harvard business review Press. The growth has always been experienced in the company that is in their declining state. This is one of the shocking incidents that have been evident over the years. This growth is evident because of the use of traditional strategic planning result that was supposed to give a limited growth experience. It has been seen that the declining industries does not focus on competition like the prospering industries. Their main motto has always been to fight competition without trying to defend the competitive market. The declining business main aim will be clear off the sale at that crucial point of time rather than focusing on competition. This is because, if it aims to clear off the stock then in future t can make plans to increase its operation in a better way. Moreover, clearing off the sale means offering the goods to the customer at a lower rate. Thus, this will increase their demand for the goods at that price as the customers will buy more at a less price compared to other companies selling same products. This will add to the marketing of the company in the long run and customers buying products at a less price now will use the product and get aware about the company and the quality they sale. Thus by clearing the sale the company gets an opportunity to improve its marketing techniques in front of its customers. The improved image of the declining company in front of the customers will help the company to overcome from the declining state. On the other hand, when the company will be in its recovering stage this selling technique will e beneficial for it to increase demand. Customers will be aware of the products and might demand products more than before. Thus, a declining business can use this tactics to increase its profit in future. The only thing that the company should keep in mind is that it has to forget its competitors in this situation and just focus on increasing its own demand. Operation improvement and future market expansion should be the only aim of the company at its declining stage. References Kim, W. C., Mauborgne, R. A. (2014). Blue ocean strategy, expanded edition: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Harvard business review Press. Minsky, H.P., 2015.Can" it" happen again?: Essays on instability and finance. Routledge. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Thermodynamics free essay sample

To show the relationship between pressure and temperature of saturated steam Apparatus: a Marcet boiler (Figure 1) is used. It is provided with a pressure gauge, a digital thermometer and a safety valve. An aneroid barometer is used to determine atmospheric pressure. 1 2 3 Drain valve Heater Overflow Variation of saturation temperature with pressure Thermodynamics Laboratory Manual Marcet boiler 4 5 6 7 8 9 Temperature sensor Pressure relief valve Filler opening with plug Pressure gauge Master switch Boiler with insulating jacket 11 Temperature display 10 Heater switch The drain valve (1) can be used to drain the vessel. An electric heater (2) is bolted into the floor of the boiler in such a way that the heating element protrudes from below into the boiler. A pressure gauge (8) is fitted to provide a direct indication of the boiler pressure. There is also a Pt-100 temperature sensor (4) to measure the boiler temperature, and a safety valve (5) to prevent excess pressure build-up in the boiler. If the Safety valve is activated, the excess pressure is discharged to the rear of the unit via a drain pipe. We will write a custom essay sample on Thermodynamics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The boiler temperature can be read from the digital display (11) fitted into the switch box. The unit is switched on at the master switch (9). The additional 8 Thermo_Lab_Manual_BE_Year_2_r008. docx The main element of the apparatus is the stainless steel steam boiler (7). It has a mineral wool insulating jacket. The filler opening (6) is used to pour water into the boiler. The overflow valve (3), closed off by means of a knob, is used to ensure the vessel is filled to the correct level. Figure 1 Marcet boiler apparatus (from Gunt AG manual, model WL204) Procedure: The boiler must be filled before the unit is run for the first time. Subsequently the level should be checked routinely after a certain number of experiments have been performed Bring the water to its boiling point with the overflow valve opened. When steam is seen coming from the overflow valve it should be closed. This is to ensure that there is no air in the boiler. With the valve shut the boiler is further heated and the boiler pressure is raised to 15 bar. Temperatures corresponding to the various pressures are recorded at 0. 5 bar intervals up to 15 bar. Results: The results obtained in this experiment are approximate. In this test the air-source evaporator is used. Power Input, Heat Output and C. O. P. Thermodynamics Laboratory Manual Heat Pump 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 Temperature indicator Evaporator pressure Temperature selector High pressure cut-out switch Condenser pressure 12 Evaporator change over switch 14 Thermostatic expansion valve 15 Refrigerant flow meter 16 Compressor 17 Air-source evaporator 18 Heated-water outlet 13 Water-source evaporator water flow meter 10 Condenser water flow meter 11 Main power switch 9 8 Water-heating condenser Electric power meter Condenser liquid receiver Water-source evaporator 19 Inlet of water to be heated The main components involved in this test are described briefly here. The refrigerant compressor (16) is electrically powered and its power consumption is displayed on a meter (5). Hot, high pressure refrigerant goes from the compressor to the condenser (9), which is of the tube-in-tube type. In the condenser there is heat transfer to the water that is to be heated. The refrigerant condensate from the condenser accumulates in the liquid receiver. Heat pump test apparatus (Hilton, model R832) 0 Water-source evaporator water inlet 21 Water-source evaporator water outlet thermostatic expansion valve a pressure drop occurs causing part of the refrigerant to become vapour. The mixture of liquid and vapour flows to the air-source evaporator (17) where it receives heat transfer from the air and evaporates to become entirely vapour. The low pressure vapour leaving the evaporator returns to the compressor. Dublin Institute of Technology The water to be heated (19) comes from the cold water supply. It passes through a variable area flow meter (16) before passing through a cooling coil within the compressor. In this way waste heat from the compressor contributes to the overall water-heating effect. The water then passes through the condenser where the main heating occurs. Thermocouples on the water circuit allow three required temperatures to be displayed on the temperature indicator (3). These are the water inlet temperature, the temperature after passing through the compressor and the final exit temperature. Procedure: 1. Turn on the water supply to the unit and turn on the main switch. 2. Select the air evaporator by pressing the evaporator change over switch down. Set the condenser gauge pressure to a desired value between 700 and 1100 kN/m2 by adjustment of the condenser cooling water flow rate. 5. Allow time for all of the system parameters to reach a stable condition. Then record the test readings. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the desired number of tests have been conducted. Results: The main results are the power input, the rate of heat transfer to the water and the coefficient of performance, which is the ratio of the heat output rate to the power input. The waste heat recovered from the compressor can also be calculated. These should be graphed against the exit temperature of the heated water.